Hot Springs DAV Van Transportation Network. Call (501) 262-0456 for a ride to John L. McClellan or Ft Roots Veterans Healthcare Hospitals. Please call to schedule a ride.
The DAV donated vans where needed in order for DAV and Auxiliary volunteers to drive vets to and from VA hospitals and clinics. Other grateful Americans are helping too.
Travel benefit cuts left many vets with no way to get to Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical facilities for needed treatment. They're men and women who answered our country's call in times of war. Many lost limbs, sight, hearing, or good health.
They may live a great distance from a VA hospital, and because so many exist on small fixed incomes, they find that the cost of transportation to a VA hospital is just too high. They are left with two choices. They could go without the treatment they need, or skimp on food or other necessities to pay for transportation.
Vets disabled in our nation's service should never face such dire options. So DAV and Auxiliary volunteers respond, driving vets to and from VA hospitals and clinics. The DAV has also donated vans, where needed, to make the program work. Other grateful Americans are helping too. It's all part of the DAV Transportation Network, administered by DAV Hospital Service Coordinators (HSCs) at the VA's 172 medical centers.
If you would like to be a volunteer, please call us at (501) 257-6991; (479) 444-5041; or at the Department Office (501) 519-9314 or the Hot Springs Office at (501) 760-4648.
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